Back to the O.P " On respect for the belief of others"
I have concluded people can disagree on everything it is possible to have an opinion.
With threads on God, I have observed most athiests do not accept believers have solid arguments supported by facts.
However In my opinion what is the point of being right if a peaceful resolution is not possible? It is on that basis that I try to be flexible and enter the world view of a poster who has opposite opinions. I look at there case, and how they justify it.
Now admitadly logical and factural statements are welcomed, but in my opinion the only thing I am 100% certain on in life is that "I am". It is also impossible to proove my existence. Therefore how can a believer in God proove the existence of God? On that basis for myself personally I respect the opinion of the believer even if I feel they do not have solid arguments.
This is why I said in an earlier post I have concluded the opposite of love is knowledge. It is with knowledge that we find reasons to dislike each other, and it is with knowledge that we argue with each other, and perceive other people as ignorant. I prefer however to except that some questions do not have an answer they are just a mystery.
The Rebel.